I received a text from a close friend of mine recently. She told me that her and her husband just got done grocery shopping and their only car wouldn’t start. She asked me to pray. I was playing with my son when that text came through and stopped what I was doing immediately. I told her that I would pray for a miracle. I walked into my bedroom, closed the door, and prayed. I prayed for God to start the car and miraculously fix it. I prayed for some other things for them as well and then went back into my living room to play with Chase. I waited a few minutes and texted her back and asked how the car was and if they needed picked up. She then told me that shortly after I texted her that I was praying, their car started! She just knew it was God answering my prayers.
Please know that I do not share this story to “gloat” about how I prayed and God answered. This was ALL God’s doing and He deserves the glory. All I did was ask, it was God who started the car. I share this story because after this happened I had thought, what if we all shared our needs with someone close and we all prayed when asked to. Would we see God show up more?
I have been with people praying where someone asks to be prayed for a “unspoken request.” I understand that not everything should be shared with everyone. Having boundaries and a few people in your life you can really open up to is important. But, I do think we need to be more transparent with one another in general.
How often do you go to a close friend or mentor and share what you are going through or dealing with? How often do you ask others to pray for you?
Because I am married it is very easy for me to go to James, share my thoughts, and ask for him to pray for me. I often will do that and forget to go to those close to me and ask for prayer too. How amazing would it be if we asked for prayer like my friend did? How even more amazing would it be to see God show like he did for my friend?
- Asking for prayer is inviting people into your life and to live life with you– without realizing it we can just “exist” alongside one another. But being transparent is creating an opportunity to live life with someone.
- When you pray for someone you feel connected to their journey– prayer is used to bring us closer to God and other people. When praying for someone it is common to feel the need to follow up and give support if needed.
- Others can be encouraged– when we share our life with others, the good and the bad, we also get to share how God moved in our lives. This will encourage others to continue their faith.
- People can help– I don’t think that people realize that others can help them and we can help others.
This weekend, reach out to someone close and ask them to pray for you. Make sure the person you ask is someone you know will pray. If you do not have someone, reach out to me and I will pray for you!
God wants to move in our life and he will if we ask him! After all, the Bible says so!
Pray for my daughter Krys and the love of her life (he is in-love with her as well), David. For restoration, reunion reconciliation, unity, encouragement, forgiveness. That they will keep their vows to each other – they are in different cities right now and it has been greatly difficult for them both – they haven’t spoken for a bit since they are focusing on their studies but miss each other deeply. I know God sees all and makes a way for all. He would not have placed this deep love for each other in their hearts to just leave it there. All things are possible through Christ who strengthens us please pray for them, for endurance, guidance, love, patience and restoration.
Thank you, Catherine, for sharing. I will say a prayer for them right now.