Do you want to love the life you’ve been given?
Do you deeply desire joy to fill your days?
Are there struggles you face daily that seem to be a stumbling block stopping you from living a life you want to wake up to?
When I first decided to follow Jesus I had no clue who I was, where I was going, or who I was meant to be. Jesus took what was broken within me and mended each piece back together. My random desires turned into Godly passions, my lack of knowledge on who I was meant to be was finally found in Christ. My heart went from spewing words of pain to words of encouragement. The comparing and jealousy were wiped clean and replaced with love and joy for others.
While life is hard and definitely not always fair- until your heart stops beating you have a life that is meant to be lived for Jesus and a life full of joy
Friend, I want the same for you. He has a purposeful plan for your life. When you choose Jesus every day you will start living a life full of joy and a passion to do the main task Christ has asked all of His followers to do, which is to tell others about Him.
Loving The Life You Live is an e-book designed for you to be reminded of who you are in Christ. Each chapter covers topics so many of us often battle and allow to hold us back. I share personal stories of how I’ve dealt with each one in my own life, or how I had to face someone else who struggled.
At the end of the book, there is a beautiful printable Loving The Life You Live Manifesto for you to hang and remind your heart of who Jesus designed you to be.
Please share this FREE e-book with someone who you feel will benefit from knowing who they are in Christ in a more meaningful way.