Hello! I’m Heather and I’m married to James and have some very handsome sons at home with me! I believe in my core Jesus wants us all to love the life He has blessed us with, even during the chaotic seasons.
I once was told if someone does something for ten years then they’re considered a professional. So, with that said, I’m a professional storyteller aka I talk a lot and often in story form. I share what God is doing in my life and deeply feel led to encourage those around me. Frequently, I’m the first person in the room to open up out of a desire to connect with those around me.
I hope to find a friend in you as we talk about relationships, spiritual growth, and grief here on my blog.
Whether it’s marriage/dating, parenting, family, or friendships, they all play a pivotal role in our lives. Relationships can be fun and exciting or hard and lonely. I believe they are a key part of life and why Jesus placed us here on this earth.
Spiritual Growth
I am a follower of Jesus and believe no matter how long we have known Him, we never stop growing and we never stop learning. He continues to sustain me through all seasons of life and I hope to share more of who He is with you.
When I was 23 I lost my best friend, my brother, tragically to a drug overdose. I hope to shed light on the hard path grief takes you through and how Jesus shows up in the darkest hour.
My family lives in northeast Ohio and I wouldn’t choose any other place to raise my children. I am a pizza-eating, nail polish addict, coffee drinker, eclectic wife, mom, and friend. Oh, and I hate anything pumpkin spice whatever.
I’m passionate about relationships and try to make a new friend wherever I go so I’d love to get to know you!