This past summer, I shared with you how James and I were waiting on the Lord for another child. It was two years of trying at that point and I shared some of my thoughts and fears that I had along the way.
I was blown away by your response. I can’t even tell you how many women reached out sharing they were on the same journey. They had a burning desire to conceive their first child or like me, continue to grow their family.
It filled my heart with peace knowing I wasn’t alone but it also brought great sadness knowing how many others were struggling too.
So while I prayed for myself, I also prayed for you.
When my season of waiting on the Lord for a child came to an end and I saw the two pink lines I was elated to tell you. I couldn’t wait to shout how faithful God is and how He gives us the desires of our heart in His timing. I was eager to share the news in hopes it would encourage you on your journey.
But, when the time came to share before I hit the “post” button, I paused. I thought about all the time’s women in my life shared their news with me during my waiting season.
While I was full of joy and celebrated with them, there was still a small voice in the back of my head shouting, “When will it be my turn?”
I had those moments in the car crying to James for a child after celebrating full of true joy with my friends for their blessing.
I didn’t want to ignore the dozens of women who shared their journey with me. I didn’t want to be insensitive to their hearts. I didn’t want you to think that I had forgotten about you since my season of waiting was over.
I shared my heart of prayer for you and how it doesn’t stop just because I was now expecting. I shared how I spent the two years of waiting praying through scripture and proclaiming the promises of God’s word over my life. I shared how my heart grew and developed during those years and I encouraged you to do the same.
Since that post, I’ve had a handful of women reach out and share their heart’s struggle or journey in seeking Christ during their season of waiting. Many had questions but all were looking for encouragement.
I’ve spent a lot of time recently praying and sharing scriptures with women privately. Today, I want to share those verses with you, my friend who is praying for a baby.
During my first year of trying to conceive I spent plenty of days praying for a child, some days it was more like pleading. I would beg God and after a few months of it not happening, I started to internally struggle with thoughts of “Is this ever going to happen?” or “What if this isn’t part of God’s will for my life?”
I was starting to see fear and worry take control of my mind and prayers and I knew it wasn’t right. I scoured scripture looking for God’s promises in my life and for the future of my family.
I read about seven women in the old testament who struggled with barrenness. I read how six of those women saw God show up and bring healing to their bodies and they all went on to bring great Godly men into the world. These seven women are; Sarai, Rebekah, Rachel, Samson’s Mother, Hannah, and Elizabeth. And the seventh women, the first wife of David, didn’t conceive because her father annulled her marriage.
Not only was I seeing God heal women in scripture of barrenness I also saw in Psalms it say, “He gives the childless women a family, making her a happy mother. Praise The Lord!” (113:9)
I wholeheartedly believe that if you are seeking Christ daily in your life and studying scripture that you will become more and more like Him. I also believe when you spend time in prayer God will mold and shape your prayers to align with His will since I’ve seen this time and time again in my life.
As I continued to pray for another child, my desire only grew. My prayers only became louder and bolder. I had confidence in knowing this desire is a Godly desire.
After learning through scripture that barrenness was a curse under the old law and seeing God heal many women, as well as being told in Galatians 3:13 that the death and resurrection of Jesus broke that curse- I knew in my spirit barrenness was no longer going to be a mountain in my life.
Soon after my prayers started shifting from pleading for a baby towards thanking God for opening my womb and thanking Him for the child He gives (Psalms 113:9). Knowing the truth of God’s word rid all fear and worry that was present and I leaned on Christ and chose to trust His timing.
For the next year, I just waited. I didn’t panic or stress every month and I wasn’t consumed with my thoughts. I worked hard on the things God did give me and pursued working for my blog full time. I enjoyed the family I already had and waiting patiently for God to fulfill this desire in my heart.
I’m still human and I definitely wasn’t perfect. I had days where I cried, questioned, and struggled with frustration. I had evenings where I cried to James and he would encourage me in return. But, those were just moments and no longer where I was living mentally and with my faith.
Beyond those moments I trusted God’s timing and stood on the promises of God’s word proclaiming barrenness is no longer and that a child is given to us.
There was never this moment of, “Oh, I finally figured it out so now it’s going to happen.” It was a journey of learning more of God and trusting His timing and growing my patience.
When the evening came and two pink lines showed up, I cried with excitement and James and I were beyond elated. But, it wasn’t a shock. I spent a year thanking God for this child that my spirit was already there and it was just my body finally catching up.
Friend, I want to share my journey with you as a testament to the faithfulness of our Father.
I want to encourage you to dig deep into the Word of God, cling to His promises and proclaim them over your life.
Trust the Holy Spirit as it guides you and through time, learn to trust the desires of your heart as they align with scripture.
I’m not sharing some magical formula to conceiving a child or convincing God to open the door in my timing. What I am sharing is, everything happens according to God’s will and His will is seen throughout His word.
God wants good for your life. God wants you to have the desires of your heart when they align with His. God wants you to live a life of joy and not a life full of suffering.
So go to the Word, seek Christ daily, and He will mold your heart and give you the desires they’re full of.
Friend, trust me when I say there can still be great joy during your season of waiting.
Please remember, your family doesn’t start the day you have a child, your family started the day you and your husband committed your life to one another. Invest in the family you have now so when your family grows with a child, your child will be a part of a strong healthy unit.
God heals all sickness and disease- including infertility. Read the stories of women who have been healed in scripture, lean on the Word for strength and guidance. Go to women for Godly counsel who’ve walked this journey before you.
Friend, I am praying for you. Many of you I know by name and pray for you by name. This season you are in will one day pass.
I recently told a sweet friend, who is in her season of waiting, that sometimes you may feel like the army who marched about the walls of Jericho for seven days. You may be marching for what seems like forever and wondering if these walls in your life will ever crumble.
You may even feel like you’re permanently stuck in day six and that day seven is never coming. But can I tell you, that just like Joseph’s army experienced, your seventh day is coming and your walls will fall.
And when those walls fall, choose to be standing there praising God all the way through.
Thank you for your kind and loving words of encouragement to women who are in their waiting season. I never was a part of that group. My husband Mike and I had girl, boy, girl, and we were so thankful. We did miscarry one baby boy and grieved his loss. My Mike joined him in heaven in 2004. Our son and his wife lost five babies before adopting a beautiful two day old baby girl. My granddaughter miscarried her first pregnancy but they now have a four month old baby boy.
What struck me about your words to cling to Scriptures pertaining to your situation and that the Lord gave you the grace and ability to persevere in His peace.
I am seventy two years old and have been extremely unhealthy with four sinus surgeries, eleven broken bones, and fibromyalgia. I was given the gift of writing of my love for Jesus over thirty years ago. I sent some of them, poetry and prose, to a wonderful lady who had her own Christian radio program in St. Louis MO, and she was an English teacher who loved the writings and asked me to open her program one day a week by reading one of my writings. This lasted eight years when my Mike was still here. He was so happy for me.
I have been given another plan for my writings but gave been held back by my health problems for thirteen years. I have even been given exact instructions and the person who volunteered to help me do the work.
It is my life’s desire to bless as many people as possible with the words given to me describing my unusual salvation testimony and how the Lord brought me through healing from my childhood.
I need to ask if I can take excerpts from your blog to tailor them to my situation for I have grown weary in prayer and seldom have a day that I feel good. Exhaustion hounds me daily.
Could you add me to your faithfilled prayers please?
My husband died, my best friend of thirty years has had Alzheimers for nine years. The church where I was a secretary for four years disintegrated when our beloved Pastor (and my employer) and his we wife moved out if state four years ago. I feel very abandoned at times and have been praying for a friend for years although no one could replace the one who is as.lost to me now as death for she no longer knows who I am.
Thank you and God bless you deatly.