Have you ever felt like God was far away and your prayers were falling on deaf ears?
A few years ago I created a prayer wall in my bedroom. It came after a season of feeling like God wasn’t near or hearing my prayers. It was a hard season where I felt like I was asking questions more than anything else. So much had happened in mine and James’ life that year and it felt like He was so far away. I heard His voice so clearly before, so why now was I not hearing it? Well, one afternoon, I cried out asking Him where He was. Immediately, I heard God whisper, “I’m even in the little things.” For the first time in almost a year, I heard His voice. After realizing what He had spoken to me I knew instantly if anyone had changed or needed to change it was me. I knew it was me who was missing God move in my life and I needed to retrain my eyes and heart to see it.
So, I cleared a space on my wall in my bedroom and covered it in post-it notes. Each one contained a prayer, desire, need or want. Every dream, hope, and passion received a post-it. I would stand in my bedroom and pray over each one and when I saw God move, the post-it note would move from the prayer request side to the prayers answered side. Shortly after I started, the prayers answered side was overflowing. You can read more about that HERE.
What if I told you that for the next year you would have about two prayers answered each week?
If you told me the same thing before my prayer wall, I would have laughed and for sure thought, you were exaggerating. But after my prayer wall, that is my testimony. The first year of praying through my post-it notes I saw 104 post-its move to the prayers answered side. 104 questions answered, desires fulfilled, passions given, and blessings showered all hung on my wall after only one year. Friend, I want the same for you- if not more.
God cares about you and all the details of your life. Don’t believe the lie that God doesn’t care about you because there are bigger problems in the world. Don’t believe it’s pointless to pray for things you may find silly. God took the time to intricately design you in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139.13). He knows the number of hairs on your head (Luke 12:7) and through Jesus, you are His child (Galatians 3:26). The truth is- He cares.
These post-it notes aren’t magical. Just because you put your prayer on a post-it note doesn’t mean it’s all of a sudden going to happen. Your prayer wall is where you just write everything down. Things won’t get lost in thought here and things won’t be forgotten about. It’s a visual for you to look your prayers in the eyes and with faith pray over each one. It’s where you can physically see if your thoughts and desires align with the Word. It’s also a reminder for when you see Christ move in your life to thank Him and give Him all the praise and credit.
The 4 Testimonies From My Prayer Wall.
All glory goes to Him- my wall just helped me see it.
Sweet friend, what I want to share with you today are some of the many stories from my wall. I’ve experienced many emotions while I moved some of my post-notes. I’ve cried tears of joy, stood in awe, and have been full of thankfulness. I’ve felt the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders as it felt like I was literally moving mountains in my life when I moved some of these post-it notes.
My heart in sharing these with you is I want you to know that God is this present in your life too. All you have to do is look a little harder and be a little more intentional.
HEALING- Psalm 103:3 “…heals all your diseases…”
One: One day James and I heard that an acquaintance of ours was diagnosed with breast cancer. A wife and mother with her whole life ahead of her. After hearing the news, I immediately ran to my wall and stuck a post-it note on my prayer request side. This was shortly after I started my wall and was the first time I was asking for healing through it. I stood in agreeance with our friend and prayed for healing throughout her entire body. Every time I would hear updates on her progress I would leap for joy to see God working in her body and through her treatments. I cried tears of joy when she reported her cancer was GONE and even mailed her the post-it note as a reminder of God’s faithfulness. I shared with our friend how me praying for her daily made me feel invested in her journey and that only created a heart to pray more. I felt even more connected to her and honestly, that’s the Holy Spirit working in both of us as we are part of the same body. When the day came where I rushed into my room to move that post-it note, it felt like something I’ve never experienced before. Not only was I in awe and my faith was strengthened- I also felt honored. Honored that I was able to pray for a friend, honored to see God move, and honored to witness a miracle in her life.
Two: James and I had another friend who was young and diagnosed with an illness that in the world’s eyes should have been a lifelong ailment; diabetes. When this friend came to us and told us about their diagnoses, they also asked if we could include it on our prayer wall. Every time I prayed at my wall I would lay hands on that post-it and pray over our dear friend. A few months went by and our friend came and told us the diabetes was GONE. No more medication, no more appointments, nothing. Something that would have been with them for the rest of their life is now no longer. Moving that post-it note over was a great day and something I still praise God for when I think about it.
FINANCES-Philippians 4:19 “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”
Three: Whenever God blesses us, financially or through material things, I write it on a post-it and put it on the prayers answered side. I do this because I want to give God praise for everything in my life and to always have a heart of thankfulness. Last year James and I were discussing me quitting my work from home job to work full time for my blog and speaking. It was a risk as the income wasn’t as steady and predictable as my work from home position. It was also a risk to quit a job that I really enjoyed and couldn’t go back to it once I trained my replacement. While having this conversation I was laying on our bed and glanced over at our prayer wall. I saw all these blessings hanging there and I decided to take them all off the wall and count them. After counting each blessing that we remembered to write down (because you know, life can be busy) the total dollar amount was ten thousand dollars more than what I made in an entire year at my part-time job. God was already providing the income and then some before I even stepped down. It was in that conversation James and I looked at each other and knew it was time for me to work full time for the blog. With the Word in my heart- knowing God will take care of all our needs and proof He already was through my prayer wall- I took that step of faith will full confidence in Him and never looked back.
Four: A friend of ours got married and James and I were blessed to bless the new bride a groom with a financial gift. We were so excited to do this for our friend and thanked God for giving us the finances to do so. A few years later that friend’s sister got married and we wanted to do the same gift but this time, we didn’t have the finances. We wrote a post-it note on our wall and asked God to provide a miracle that month to make it happen. Within a week James saw a local business giving away a musical instrument that was worth thousands of dollars. James picked it up and two weeks later sold it. After tithing off the sale and giving to the people that helped us move it, we had just the exact amount we wanted to give to the soon to be bride a groom. That’s all Jesus right there. Only through Him would something like that align in just the perfect timing.
God is moving in your life and will move more often if you give Him the space to.
These are just 4 testimonies to my year of seeing 104 prayers answered. My heart in sharing these 4 with you is to shine a light on the goodness of God. I want to encourage you to do the same. Write your prayers down, either on post-it notes, a journal or even digitally. Write them out and pray over them. You will be amazed at how your prayers will take different shapes to reflect God’s desires for you. You will be shocked to see how many prayers He answers you otherwise wouldn’t have noticed or quickly forgot about.
I can’t wait to hear about how God works in your life through your very own prayer wall.
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