While praying over this weeks post that originally was going up, I felt the Lord tug on my heart about a different subject. This past weekend I spoke at a Women’s event and there’s a little part of that message that I want to share with you. So the original post gets moved up a week and today, prayerfully, you will read exactly what you’ve been needing to hear. If this speaks to you, please know it’s because God hears you and sees you. Also, let me know! I would love to rejoice with you.
When you are going through tough seasons or dealing with a lot- do you find yourself believing the lies in your head?
During my third year in college, I was having some health issues. I was going to the doctors and they kept telling me it was one thing and treating me for it. But the medication and treatment never worked. After going a few times they started talking about the possibility that I may have an issue with a certain organ or a serious infection. They wanted to send me to a specialist. I laid in bed that night confused and wondering if this would be a lifelong struggle or a sign of something major going on in my body. I barely slept that night. That weekend I went on a leadership treat and they had a time for people to be prayed over for healing. That night, the Lord healed me of whatever was wrong in my body. All symptoms and signs were gone. I went to the doctor and they ran some tests and all my numbers came back normal.
When you’re given a poor doctors report- do you believe the doctor’s words spoken as your destiny? You accept what the doctor says as permanent and wallow in your sick filled future. You subconsciously accept the illness and whatever lifestyle may come with it. The thought of Christ healing you never crosses your mind.
If it’s not illness maybe it’s your marriage. You’re walking through a season where your marriage feels broken- do you find yourself thinking your marriage will never be fixed? You accept the issues or blame everything on the other person. You wonder if this is how it will always be and if trying is even worth it.
Maybe you see your past as something so heavy and full of regret you can’t possibly believe Christ forgives you. You let your past determine your current worth and dictate your future. You allow yourself to be held back out of fear of people finding out who you “really” are. You accept your past for what it is and refuse to accept the Lord’s forgiveness.
Or you believe you’re not pretty enough, skinny enough, talented enough or even qualified to do whatever it is that God has called you to do. You allow the hurtful words of others and your own insecurities define and shape the way you see yourself. Whether you accept opportunities or not is based on your insecurities.
Perhaps, your finances are struggling and you decide that your financial needs will never go away. That the pit you’ve found yourself in will always exist and God will never bless you or give you the tools to escape. So you welcome the debt and limitations as your norm.
You and I can easily start to believe the lies of the world over living the truth of the Word. Knowing what the Word of God says and speaking it over your life will empower you to walk in His promises.
Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”
If you’ve been given a poor doctor’s report- proclaim the word of God over your illness. Remember how by His stripes you are healed (Isaiah 53:5) and how God heals ALL your diseases (Psalm 103:3). Let your faith be strengthened as you press into the His Word.
When your marriage is tested or you’re in a season where it’s difficult, hurting, and broken- remember God’s Word says you’re no longer two people but one (Matthew 19:6) and what He brought together- let no one separate (Mark 10:9). Pray these verses over your marriage and thoughts. Find peace knowing God’s will is for your marriage to be healed and fully restored.
When you’re dealing with regrets from your past and so badly want to move forward remember the Word. It says to forget about your past because God is doing something new in you (Isaiah 43:18-19). God’s love for you never ends and His mercies are new every day (Lamentations 3:22-23). So take the truth and use it as encouragement to move forward and into a new season of living out the call God has placed on your life.
Having insecurities and self-doubt is more common than you realize. Whether certain situations or people have caused you to doubt yourself or your giftings, allow God to transform your mind (Romans 12:2). When God transforms your mind, your eyes will come off yourself and shortcomings and they will be placed on Jesus and His goodness. When your focus is on Christ- your confidence will be found.
When worry starts to set in with your bills being late or not having enough to eat, know God will provide everything you will never need (Phil. 4:19). Remember what He has done in the past (Psalm 77:11) and how He will do it again.
Knowing the Word of God guards your eyes and minds when we write them on our hearts (Proverbs 7:2-3). Praying scripture over your mind is a powerful tool to overcome the lies we so easily can tell ourselves.
Romans 15:4 says, “Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.”
Dawn King says
This is so beautiful and so true! Thank you for sharing. I think people forget how powerful our God is. He can do anything! He can raise the dead, certainly, He can fix whatever is going on in our lives. We must believe big and trust big!
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Heather says
Yes to believing and trusting the big!
Melissa says
“Praying scripture over your mind is a powerful tool to overcome the lies we so easily can tell ourselves.” – This makes me think of Ephesians 6:17b – and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Scripture is our one offensive tool against the great deceiver. Thank you for these reminders. Blessings!
Heather says
Yes! perfect scripture reference!
Andrea says
I am going through a difficult season in my marriage. I was feeling hopeless and believing the lies the devil is telling me. Thank you for the reminder that God has this. He will restore my marriage. This is just what I needed today.
Heather says
Yes, I am believing and standing with you on restoration for your marriage!
Heather Hart says
This is so encouraging, Heather! And very timely. I can’t thank you enough for following God’s prompting and sharing this today.
Heather says
What a blessing to hear, Heather!
AMB-FMK says
Hallelujah, the word reigns…
There’s no way one will stick to the word without having a testimony…
Great write up ma’am.
Heather says
You are so right!
Beth Herring says
Yes. Christ is victorious over the lies of the enemy every time! Beautiful!
Heather says
Amy Tol says
Heather, this is such a powerful message. I did a Bible study last fall that really challenged me with the idea of praying Scripture: It was incredible to see the power of God’s Word and the way it can strip power from those lies in my head. It was also rather startling to realize just how many lies I had been believing! I appreciate this important reminder because it’s so easy to fall into that doomsday mentality instead of turning to God for strength. Thanks for sharing this!
Heather says
That sounds like an amazing study, Amy. DO you remember the name of it? I would love to look into it. You are so right, we believe so many more lies then we even realize.
Sheila Rhodes says
What a beautiful reminder of God’s grace and love towards me. It has been a struggle since December, but I refuse to give up and allow the enemy to steal my joy. The power of His Word heals my wounds!
Heather says
I love how you are refusing to give up and not allowing the enemy to steal your joy! That is something MANY struggle with. I’m standing with you, Sheila!
Alice Mills says
Yes! And Amen! Our God is bigger than our problems and He loves us so! Thank you for the faith infusion.
Heather says
He is always bigger than our problems!
Julie says
What a great reminder to trust in the Lord through all our difficult circumstances. Our vision is so limited, God can perform miracles in our hopeless situations!
Heather says
Amen Julie!
Robert says
Thank you for the encouraging post. It is so easy to listen to our own thoughts or the thoughts which the enemy stirs in us rather than what God says about us. We need to be able to tune out all other distractions and only hear the voice of the Shepherd.
Heather says
You are so right!
Kandy Bennett says
Heather, such practical truth. Thanks for sharing your heart and your journey. I think that one of the best ways to pray is to pray the Word of God over your life and situation and over the lives of those around you. You can’t go wrong when you pray the words inspired by the Holy Spirit and written down in our Bibles to read and meditate upon. These words aren’t magic, but they are powerful and in line with God’s will.
Heather says
Amen! Thanks for reading and commenting Kandy. I really appreciate it! You are so right, the words aren’t magic, but they are powerful!
Sara says
Amen! Thank you for this post! The tactic that the enemy uses is to get our way of thinking all mixed up. We can’t allow him to win the battle for we have an Almighty God who fights for us in all of our circumstances and just like today God reminds us how He is with us and that we can do whatever it is that He puts in our hands (if we have kids He blessed us with them because He knows we are able to take care of them, if we have a marriage He blessed us with it because He will be there for us in the good and the bad so that our focus can stay on Him, if we have an illness He is the ONLY God who can heal and it will be for His glory to do so). God’s timing is always perfect 😉 Thank you Heather 🙂
Heather says
Thank you Sara for sharing your thoughts!